With health being an important aspect of life these days, we also need to put some light into dental health.

On September 4, 2020, we held the 2nd episode of our #TresLokos series with our partners from the Paranaque Dental Chapter Inc.

We discussed issues surrounding DIY and Fake Dentistry. Among the topics that were discussed was how society has been turning to “quack dentists” or people who practice dentistry without a license. Aside from such practices being illegal, doing so is dangerous and may even be lethal.

We also featured an interview with Maria Sharapova whose video about her trying on DIY braces went viral. Her message for everyone is something to watch out for.

For Episode 3, our topic will be on how Sugar plays a vital role in people’s overall health, and the dentist’s role in the fight against sugar (or the excess consumption of it).

This episode will be on October 5, 2020, 5PM – 7PM. To watch the LIVE video, click the image below, which will become active on the said schedule:

Click Image to Watch TresLokos EP3


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