TEN EXPENSES to consider for retirement planning in the philippines
June 05, 2023 | Mike Togle

Retirement in the Philippines offers a unique opportunity to embrace a vibrant culture, beautiful landscapes, and a lower cost of living. However, to ensure a comfortable and worry-free retirement, it’s important to consider the various expenses that come with living in the country. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 expenses to consider when planning to retire in the Philippines, helping you make informed financial decisions.

Expense 1 – Housing

Housing is a significant expense in retirement. Whether you choose to rent or buy a property, it’s important to research the local real estate market. Consider factors such as location, property type, amenities, and proximity to essential services and products. Keep in mind that different areas in the Philippines have varying costs of living, so it’s important to budget accordingly.


Expense 2 – Healthcare

As you age, healthcare becomes an essential aspect of retirement planning. The Philippines offers a mix of public and private healthcare facilities, and the cost of medical care can vary. It’s crucial to factor in healthcare expenses, including regular check-ups, medications, and potential emergencies. Consider obtaining personal health insurance early on to mitigate the financial impact of healthcare costs, since elderly care insurance is not that reliable for complex treatments.

Expense 3 – Cost of Living

While the cost of living in the Philippines is generally lower compared to many Western countries, it’s still important to factor in day-to-day expenses. This includes groceries, utilities, transportation, dining out, and leisure activities. Research the cost of living in your desired retirement location and create a budget that reflects your lifestyle and needs.
Consider housing for Retirement in the Philippines

Expense 4 – Transportation

Transportation costs should be considered when planning your retirement in the Philippines. The Philippines offers various transportation options, including public buses, jeepneys, tricycles, taxis, and ride-sharing services. Determine which modes of transportation are most suitable for your needs and estimate the associated costs, especially when moving about to obtain essential services.

Expense 5 – Leisure Retirement in the Philippines

Retirement in the Philippines is a time to enjoy leisure activities and explore new hobbies. Consider budgeting for activities such as dining out, attending cultural events, joining clubs or organizations, and traveling within the Philippines. The country offers a rich tapestry of attractions and experiences to suit every interest.

Expense 6 – Travel

The country is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant cities, making travel an enticing aspect of retirement in the Philippines. Regardless if you plan to take advantage of the local sights or looking to explore international destinations, planning for travel is a must for any retiree.

Budget for domestic and international travel expenses, including transportation, accommodations, meals, and sightseeing. Explore the diverse islands, immerse yourself in the culture, and create lasting memories during your retirement years.

Retirement Planning can allow you to travel

Expense 7 – Personal Care

As you age, personal care expenses may increase. This includes expenses for medications, regular check-ups, preventive care, and assistance with daily activities if needed. Consider these expenses and allocate a portion of your budget accordingly to ensure your well-being and quality of life. Retirement in the Philippines can be relaxing, especially if you avail of the relatively lower manpower costs to get a hired help or a driver.

Expense 8 – Insurance

Insurance coverage is crucial for protecting yourself and your assets during retirement. Explore different insurance policies such as health insurance, life insurance, critical illness insurance, hospitalization insurance, and property insurance. Research providers that cater specifically to retirees in the Philippines and choose policies that align with your needs and budget.

Expense 9 – Home Maintenance and Renovations

Maintaining your home is an ongoing expense that should be considered in your budget for retirement in the Philippines. This includes routine maintenance, repairs, and occasional renovations. Set aside funds to address any necessary repairs and keep your home in good condition.

Expense 10 – Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund is essential to handle unexpected expenses or emergencies that may arise during retirement. Aim to have a financial cushion that covers at least six months’ worth of living expenses. This will provide peace of mind and financial stability in times of unforeseen circumstances.



When planning to retire in the Philippines, it’s important to consider the various expenses that come with living in the country. By carefully estimating and budgeting for housing, healthcare, cost of living, transportation, leisure activities, travel, personal care, insurance, home maintenance, and maintaining an emergency fund, you can ensure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

Seek professional advice, conduct thorough research, and regularly review and adjust your budget to accommodate changing needs and circumstances. With proper planning, you can enjoy the beauty, warmth, and affordability of retirement in the Philippines.

Whether you have an existing financial advisor or not, you can reach out to me for consultation on your retirement plans, or send me a message below.


“Retirement in the Philippines can be an unwelcome surprise if you are caught unaware of the different expenses you can incur while retired.”

Mike Togle, Retirement Coach

10F Ayala North Exchange Tower 1
Ayala Avenue, Makati City, PH
[email protected]



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